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The night is not young. More tomorrow
A topic I am working on now is the income distribution in the US being so skewed to the very rich. Bill Moyer is back on PBS. His Moyer and Company program had two authors of a book titled Winner Take-all Politics. That and several other books will be summarized to hopefully demonstrate to South Dakotans that our national politicians and our national political parties have been representing primarily the very, very rich and the dreadful income distribution in the US now has made the middle class irrelevant in the calculations and machinations of our US Representatives and Senators no matter which party they are affiliated with.
If you missed the program, it and more can be found here Bill Moyers and Company.
The authors' book can be purchased here. Amazon Winner Take All Politics
The problem with the US economy is not necessarily a problem with trade imbalance, etc which might divert our attention from real issues like the impact of the Bush tax cuts on the top 400 US citizens income. While most of us got a few dollars or a few hundred, that top 1/10 of the 1% each got a $40 million tax cut which probably totals around $18 Billion. Income distribution in the US is now apparently worse than that in Egypt.
Should our citizens really want to let themselves be diverted from their own economic well-being by questions of Obama's birth certificate or absurd claims that Obama is a European socialist intent on destroying our democracy and economy?
*** Doug Wiken
Here is a link to a site you might find interesting in your research on income distribution:
I'm looking forward to reading more Raucus Caucus.
Posted by: Greg Olson | 01/22/2012 at 06:51 PM