Weather forecasts for Christmas Day and following days were so terrible we decided to stay home for Christmas instead of traveling anyplace. Driving through 60 miles of 3 inch deep slush last year was lesson enough.
I was startled by a flash of light and the sound of a vehicle going past. I wondered what was going on. It was not Santa, Donner and Blitzen, et al, because in a couple seconds I heard a clap of thunder. Then rolling thunder and more thunder and lightening. Then it started raining hard. In the Winner, SD area we got about a half an inch of rain. Temperature was right at 32 or so, but it did not freeze. Melted some of the snow from a previous storm. That was the unusual part of Christmas for us.
My wife roasted a chicken and we had that and stuffing and cranberries. Exotic weather but pretty tame dinner. Below is an image of plates with part of food on them.
It all tasted good and we were happy to be inside instead of splashing around in the pouring rain. We listened to the weather radio and soon we had a severe wind warning for 8PM. Sure enough, by 8:15 wind was howling like a jet plane in the trees and snow was flying horizontally. This morning, there was not much snow, but a few more flakes were falling and wind was still blowing enough to make seeing for driving difficult for a few hundred feet.
We hope you had a happy, healthy, and safe (and maybe even boring usual) Christmas Day. And, I guess we can be happy that days will start getting longer and warmer...sometime. My wife talked to her BIL in Phoenix, AZ and it was snowing and blowing there while it was raining here.
***Stay tuned even if your Christmas Day was much, much more interesting-- Doug Wiken
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