GOP SD Governor Daugaard is proud he caused SD economy to rebound. This is a bit too much like a rooster claiming his crowing causes the sun to rise in the morning.
Anything Do-nothing Daugaard did to stimulate the SD economy is insignificant compared to what the Obama administration managed to do in the face of obstinant retrograde GOP opposition. Both liberal and conservative economists are now praising Obama for improving the economy. It seems a lot of Americans including Daugaard are ignoring this or are terminally ignorant.
***Stay tuned...only a few days left to vote--- Doug Wiken
A commenter or two over at Madville Times discovered a Nation Magazine story on Mike Rounds titled "Revealed: A New Ethics Scandal Involving the GOP'S South Dakota Senate Candidate." Rancid Rounds Reeks in the article. His cohorts don't smell all that good either.
South Dakota Plutocrats and Kleptocrats do not serve average South Dakotans well. Rounds certainly will not be a good representative of real South Dakota values if he sneaks into Washington under a dark cloud of allegations and facts.
***Stay tuned for more when I am just a bit more awake--- Doug Wiken
Mike Rounds latest round of TV deception ads states something like, "Mike Rounds would vote like you would vote." Really?
1. Would YOU really vote to slash taxes on those making $millions per year?
2. Would YOU really vote to put insurance companies in charge of Medicare and Medicaid and increase Insurance Company profits by $billions.
3. Would YOU really vote to maintain multi-national corporations to set wages so low their employess are on welfare and further their ability to stifle employee speech and spend unlimited amounts buying elections?
4. Would YOU really vote to destroy the federal agency that aids education and students from k-12 through post graduate work?
5. Would YOU really vote to force college students to pay higher loan rates and give shysters free range to exploit them?
6. Would YOU really vote to balance the budget on the backs of the poor and the lower middle class?
7. Would YOU really vote to support a foreign pipeline designed to increase your gasoline, diesel, and fuel oil prices by 10 to 20 cents per gallon?
So, do you really think Mike Rounds would vote like you with his superiority values?
*** Stay tuned... election day is close. Your decision can make or break you.-- Doug Wiken
The link to the editorial by Katie Zerr of the Mobridge Tribune has been posted in many blogs and Farebook pages already, but if you missed it elsewhere, the link is below:
That is darn near heresy out here in the boondocks. Mobridge is in the middle of some mighty strong Republican counties.
I hope it is a sign that other newspapers will start to see the light that illuminates the political fraud that is Mike Rounds and seriously consider if he is fit to be a US Senator. Rounds lies about his own lies and lies about what Rick Weiland and Larry Pressler really support or oppose. The Rounds campaign is ripe with the corruption that oozes out of campaigns drowning in their own slime.
*** Stay tuned only 14 or 15 days until the election...decision day is coming soon-- Doug Wiken
Woody Allen said something like "Just showing up is half of life." It has been turned into something like "Showing up is 80% of Success."
Candidate Rick Weiland is already showing up for work all over South Dakota and not just once in a lifetime, but twice in one Democratic campaign. Republican robber-baron Rounds is hiding under his gold-plated rock and dodging every debate. If showing up is really part of success, Mike Rounds is a huge failure.
Rounds slick ads are just a little too slick to be honest. His statements about Joop and EB-5 greencards for money are also just a little too slick. Rounds is just a little too slick to even be a politician let alone our US Senator. Compare Rounds to Abourezk, Johnson and McGovern and even Jim Abdnor and Larry Pressler, Rounds looks like a midget in a land of giants.
*** Stay tuned, the times are a changing, but so are the polls--- Doug Wiken
US Senator John Thune, R. SD spoke in Mitchell, SD to local Kiwanis Club. Headline is "We have to get Washington going again, THUNE: SENATE MUST COOPERATE."
Of course, party hack Thune's big idea to do that is ..surprise...elect more Republicans. This is like a man who just shot up a kindergarten class saying, "We need to stop the senseless shooting by getting more senseless shooters around here."
Thune has been an oh so willing partner in the retrograde obstructionism that Republicans in concert with TEA Party loons have used to roadblock good nominations, sensible economic proposals, Affordable Care and replace it with tax cuts for the very, very rich and other pandering to the Koch side of more economic privilege for the very, very rich.
Thune is the epitome of GOP hypocrisy and zombie economic mythology. He blathers on about programs that have never worked and never will. He is in favor of increasing the already grotesque spread between the top 1% and the rest of us.
Thune and Rounds are also supporting the XL pipeline. Bloomberg news has reported Trans-Canada saying the most important reason for the pipeline is to get the glut of crude oil out of the midwest so that gasoline and other fuel prices can be increased by 10 to 20 cents per gallon in this part of the country. Chinese investors are part of the tar=sands oil conglomerates. The XL pipeline will move oil to the Texas Gulf coast for export to China.
The proported tax benefits county commissioners and schools are drooling over have been grossly exaggerated with pipeline in eastern SD and are likely exaggerated for the XL pipeline. Apparently SD state school aid to school districts will be reduced by an amount equal to the increased pipeline tax share. That means zero net impact for schools. Couple that with likely increases in electric base rates because of the huge power demands of the pumping stations and the gasoline price increases and we residents of the midwest will actually be subsidizing a Canadian company and its US fossil fuel industry cohorts.
Thune is a deceiver is a deceiver useless to those who are not filthy rich. Speaking of which, an auto magazine had Ford Motor company production and pay for their chief executive. Anybody buying a Ford vehicle kicks in $10 to that CEO who is paid over $23 million per year.
Thune is friends of guys like that and the polluters in the fossil fuel industries. He is part of the threat to your health, economic well-being, and the future of our planet as a place habitable by humans. His blather about getting Washington moving agains is complete BS. If the GOP gets control, Washington might be moving, but completely in the wrong direction.
*** Stay tuned and don't be fooled by the GOP pretty boy--- Doug Wiken
One way or another we all pay for excessive drinking by absorbing social and economic costs associated with the deadbeat irresponsible liquor industry and sychophants in legislatures and the US Congress. The Center for Disease Control has released new information on the costs of excessive drinking. Excessive drinking is the consequence of any drinking by those genetically predisposed to alcoholism or those who care only about their own perverted pleasure without regard to social costs.
The full extent of those costs may be underestimated by the CDC, but their current estimate are social costs of just the excessive drinkers (let alone those who think they can drink responsibly) is in the neighborhood of $240 Billion per year. We all pay those costs whether we ever touch a drop of alcohol because we pay taxes and we buy car insurance and we pay health insurance.
Excessive drinkers also pay one cost disproportionate to the rest of us however. They are 1 in 10 of the extra deaths between 24 and 60. That is not even grim satisfaction however since in the process they can make life hell for their families and co-workers. Note added link as of June30,2014: Northern Plains news on SD as Microcosm of National Alcohol-related Deaths from CDC Data.
Increased taxes on alcohol and individual licenses to purchase beverage alcohol should cover the whole $240 Billion in losses and costs. If those of us who are responsible can't get a reduction in vehicle insurance, we should at least use the tax mechanisms to dump those taxes into the social good instead of not having them and thus providing a huge subsidy to the deadbeat irresponsible beverage alcohol industry.
The failure to tax the liquor business sufficiently is an outrage. It is like having warlords stealing from all of us and murdering thousands each year in alcohol-related highway crashes and gun deaths and violence on families fueled by alcohol sales and inevitable abuse from the inevitable addiction and drug dependency. Yes, alcohol is a drug. It is an anesthetic. The failure to tax alcoholic beverages to cover unnecessary costs also makes them less expensive. Increasing taxes would also reduce consumption.
It is time for responsible citizens and legislators to get off their and our asses and make the boozers and booze peddlers pay their fair share of all the unnecessary costs their greed shifts to the rest of society. Time to raise hell.
It appears that TypePad was down from about 7AM until a few minutes ago. TypePad has been having more trouble in the last month or two than I remembered in several years.
Not that I had a lot to say anyway, but at least I know why there were zero hits today.
I listened to most of the SD GOP debate radio broadcast today. I did not get all of the BS just as I missed some of the TV broadcast. The SDPB-Radio broadcast started around noon today, May 19,2014. The GOP pack of dwarf candidates for US Senator from South Dakota apparently have no fear of underestimating the intelligence of most GOP primary voters. There was much bladerdash and humbug from the collection. A couple of choice examples below.
Dr. Annette Bosworth, the non-candidate-material candidate, when asked about improving rural medicine in South Dakota took off after the federal government standing in the way of new technology apparently aimed getting medical information from rural settings to metropolitan analysis. Of course no details from her on this and apparently she is unaware of the source of the internet and much of the federal funding aimed at making it sufficently broadband to work with detailed medical information.
Of course, almost all of them had some version of medical end times that swirl around the idea that "Obamacare" will destroy America. I suspect most of sane America wonders just how that process of destruction will work. They might better fixate on global warming making the earth uninhabitable for their fossil fuel burning descendants. That is more likely the end time for America than anything connected with "Obamacare". But, these GOP candidates running on fossil fuel contributions will never say a bad word about that industry or human's influencing God's work of balancing the world and its ecology in his hand.
Marion Michael Rounds was prime purveyor of the mythology that "Obamacare" can destroy the USA. Bosworth asked if Rounds had ever had an original idea in his life. She who believes women think differently than men . Women know how to see the gray in issues while men can only see black and white. I guess that wasn't quite my experience when working with men and women in state government or with my wife's experience working primarily with women in a hospital setting. I don't really think she is the one to come up with new ways of looking at old problems.
In the other really important news about the GOP and its broken heroes, The MDR today had about 4 column inches on the death of George W. Bush's dog which died of leukemia. Dog death the media can handle. Reagan's dementia in and out of office not so much.
Listening to the dwarfs, it is no wonder they don't want to fund education and to kill the US Department of Education. No telling how dangerous an informed electorate would be to their humbug. Rounds wants to kill the US Department of Education, but as Cory at Madville Times, Bob Mercer, and John Tsitrian have indicated he isn't mentioning the tax increases for South Dakotans or alternately the slashing of education in South Dakota if federal funding for education dried up overnight.
*** Stay tuned, and I hope TypePad stays up running for a couple of readers to see this today--- Doug Wiken
After running his ad that both had lies for data and was also basically a total lie or at best grossly misleading, Rounds is now running a new ad. Perhaps the flack from both right, left and in between caught his attention.
Anyway, Rounds pulled a few people out of the shallow end of the gene pool who are convinced he is nearly the greatest thing since sliced bread which could be fed to dogs and insurance agents. Added Note of May 21.2014: Rounds supporter in ads got $$$big bucks from Rounds Administration.
They just know with all his "leadership" in Pierre, SD that Marion Michael just don't need no stinkin' manual to take off running in DC. I have to agree. All Marion Michael will have to do is look at the list of donors to his $9 million election pot/retirement fund and he will know exactly which special interest to protect and smother with love and federal aid and tax breaks.
With no real issues or ideas, the Republican Dwarfs pawing and clawing toward a US Senate seat have some really silly ads aimed at the most right-wing ignoramous side of the GOP. "Obamacare" has replaced "Pelosi" as the nonsense key attack point. Then there is the candidate who wants us to believe that Obama is intent on destroying America as we know it.
Voters of South Dakota, wake up and send these retrograde idea-less neanderthals into the wilderness to howl for another 40 years.
***Stay tuned, but I won't blame you if you change channels the minute you see anything about Mike Rounds and his smarmy smile...oh, and read the fine print--- Doug Wiken
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