I happened to see Dr. Oz oozing this morning about Thanksgiving cooking safety. Most likely you have heard all this before, but, the best way to thaw a frozen turkey is to put it in a refrigerator a week or so before you plan to cook. For those of us who can't seem to plan that far ahead, put the frozen turkey in cold water completely submerging it about a day before planning to cook. We have done this and it works. The best container we found was an insulated cold chest or picnic chest. Something heavy may need to be put atop the turkey to keep from floating out of the water.
The next bit of everyday wisdom was that it is better to cook stuffing outside the turkey instead of inside the turkey. It is possible but a bit tricky to get the stuffing and the turkey both up to 160F degrees or. They did do it, but turkey was up to 175F and stuffing was still not 160F, but putting it under an aluminum foil tent for a time got the stuffing temp up. It seems like cooking the stuffing separately makes a whole lot more sense for safety and requires a whole lot fussing and fiddling.
And, just a little note about Thanksgiving spirit. I bought vehicle license stickers today. While I was writing the check, the woman behind the counter said she had to get cooking after she got out of work. Her mother had taught her how to bake a good pie, and she planned to get that done. Then she mentioned that her mother had died, but her father still wanted pies. So the daughter taught her father how to make and bake the pies himself. I thought that was kind of interesting and reminded me that my own mother pretty much taught my wife how to cook, which means, I can never gripe about how her cooking is not as good as my mother's.
Well, so much for that. Good luck on your thanksgiving dinner. Maybe the best idea is to skip the stuffing and the turkey and just cook a ham. According to an ag report early Sunday morning, farm prices are down for chickens, turkey, and cattle. Don't eat too much anyway, just have fun and don't make the affair a test of wills and perseverance just short of a complete nervous breakdown.
I gotta get those license stickers on while the temperature is still above freezing.
***Stay tuned and watch the weather reports before traveling--- Doug Wiken.
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