OPINION: Sounds like our wonderful legislators are trying to find new ways to screw farmers and ranchers. Most of us in rural areas are paying an awful lot of agricultural taxes and getting next to nothing in the way of direct services. I understand we all benefit from better education of everybody and some of those educated people might even venture back to the boondocks and be of service to the rest of us. However, in the Winner, SD school district, something like 20% of students come from rural areas, but 80% of the school taxes come from rural land. That suggests to me that perhaps something other than agricultural farm and ranch land should be the target for mulcting more taxes.
If legislators think it is fair to charge more tax per acre (43,560 sq.ft) based on income land produces, perhaps they should be applying income production as a factor in taxing lawyers and doctors and insurance, accountants, barbers, repair shops, et al on a per sq. ft. basis. A parsimonious lawyer working in a 10x10 office with 100 sq ft. may be making a few hundred thousand per year. That kind of space husbandry means that space is worth a lot per square foot if sauce for the agriculturist is the same as sauce for the lawyer. And, farmers and ranchers may also be paying most of the cost of legal libraries and courtroom space.
Too often what comes out of Pierre and the legislature is a palliative rather than a cure or an actual solution. Good heavens, if they actually pushed policies to actually solve problems, what would they pretend to do in the next session?
*** Stay tuned even if a blog can be written in 20 sq ft and return nothing in income---Doug Wiken
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