Weather is one thing. Yesterday wind was whipping up duststorms at 50 or 60mph. Today it is moving around a little snow.
South Dakota legislature and Governor Nome can support the family and education they proudly promote with hollow words by making a couple tax changes. It is long past the time that the SD sales tax should be removed from basic foods such a flour and fresh vegetables and sugar, etc. Then on the education and information front, they can remove the sales tax on books, magazines, and printed newspapers.
But, don't hold your breathe waiting for logic and less gross hypocrisy in SD. Now they are planning to raise the pay of judges working a few hours a week or month from the terribly low $141.000 [er year. Doesn't that just about make you cry for these poor lawyers. My guess is there are a few hundred thousand South Dakotans who wish they could get even 20 percent of that. Which reminds me, the minimum wage should be raised to $15.00 per hour.
Stay tuned---better weather no matter how the wind blows after the 20th.* Doug Wiken