The July 2020 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN has several articles on the Corona Virus Covid-19. On page 21 is an article titled "How to boost your Immunity". It says it offers "Some simple, practical steps can raise your resistance to viruses.. Basically they are a matter of sommon sense. Eat vegetables and fruit and a healthy diet. Get vitamins C and D. Suggested is a basic multi-vitamin as well. Prolonged sleep loss seems to harm the immune response. Get 7 or more hours of sleep on a regular schedule. Sleep seems necessary to move T-cells to lymph nodes.
The concluding lines in the article note that none of this may guarantee you don't get a virus, but the suggestions apply to all viruses which is a bit of a silver lining.helping you endure whatever comes your way. As the intro indicates, this all seems to fit common sense and probably what your mother told you as achild. Be careful and good luck. No matter what right-winger anti-science and Trump and his Trumpers say, the virus is not a Democratic and Press plot to harm Trump. It has killed thousands and will kill more unless Trump and his supporters get their heads out of their asses and masked in public.
**** Stay tuned, Much more good and bad news is coming these days--- Doug Wiken.