I had no luck getting a photo of the eclipse in Winner, SD. The weather was dark enough here because of black storm clouds that some people thought the eclipse had happened at 10 AM. I guess it was closer to noon, but because of clouds I never saw it let alone photographed it.
Today, I talked to Jeremy Clay at Winner Farmers Union Insurance office. He gave me a copy of the photo his son Jacob Clay took yesterday with a cellphone. I think it was taken near Colome which was apparently not quite as clouded up as was Winner. In any case, below is a somewhat cropped copy of his image.
I have the Welding glass for a helmet in the right combination for my camera, but nothing could I find that would be relevant to the Solar Eclipse. I guess the Winner Advocate may be here this afternoon. Maybe somebody else got a photo. Some days in the area, the difference between a good photo and a mediocre or uninteresting photo is just a matter of minutes as the light changes. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this view of a little history in the Winner area even if I did not take the photo.
*** Stay tuned, maybe I will have better luck with a camera in the future. In the meantime, Thanks to Jacob Clay---- Doug Wiken