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Jul 21, 2017


Wade Brandis

Local events are also suffering from the declining population. I remember when the Labor Day carnival was huge, and it filled the street all the way past the Farmers State Bank building. These days, it ends around the old JCPenney building, and they keep bringing the same dumb rides every year. It's not the midway operators fault. The same traveling midway sets up a week earlier at the Rosebud Fair and they bring a lot more rides, including the ferris wheel.

If the Winner American Legion (I think they plan the Labor Day events) would substantially improve the Labor Day events and bring in more carnival rides and games, it would draw more people to town during the holiday since the nearest town that does any Labor Day events is Wagner, I believe.

About the Winner Pool... it's getting close to it's 10 year anniversary. Most times we drive by the pool on a summer day, it seems busy with the local kids having fun and staying cool. It seems communities all over South Dakota have been replacing their old pools in a similar fashion, with big fancy waterslides and other such water toys.

Even if the pool was built in a very wasteful manner (I did read your post from 2008 regarding the Winner pool vote), it would be interesting to investigate if the rebuilt pool has had any positive or negative effects on the community. It seems the kids are happy with it, but has the pool brought any of the benefits the city promised, if any were made? I only live a mile and a half out of city limits, so I never really knew about the project until it was in the paper.

On a final note, why are the Storms hanging on to the old JCPenney building? They use it as their personal party space. A new locally owned store could easily fit inside with a little remodeling work.

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