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Feb 21, 2017


Wade Brandis

Well, there are at least two other HD radio signals in SD, coming from KMIT-FM 105.9 in Mitchell. They are a run-of-the-mill top 40 format on HD2 and ESPN Radio on HD3. The thing with these HD transmissions is they are meant to feed two small FM translators within the city of Mitchell. The HD2 is called "More 95.5", referencing the analog translator it's rebroadcast on.

Their owner, Saga Broadcasting, has done this in other markets out of state, like in Des Moines, IA. It's a cheap way to create a "new" radio station in a given market without actually having to endure the years long process of allocating a frequency and bidding on a license. They also do this to get around the FCC limits on how many stations an owner is allowed to operate as translators don't count towards those limits.

I also think KILI radio on the Pine Ridge reservation also broadcasts an HD1 signal, but I can't personally verify that. FCC records seem to indicate they do.

John Logue

Antenna theory can be very complex, and I don't claim to comprehend the details. My understanding is that the impedance of a simple half-wavelength dipole is near 75 ohms. It is around 300 ohms for a folded dipole.

I'm currently using a simple half-wavelength dipole to receive a TV station on channel 46 (actual frequency). I use another dipole antenna on an FM receiver. In both cases, the antennas are connected directly to the 75 ohm coaxial cable.

I also assembled a low-power FM transmitter kit a few years ago. The instructions were to connect the coax directly to the half-wavelength dipole.

More info here:

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