I think Bill Clinton could sell ice cubes to freezing Eskimos. He is a combination car salesman, insurance salesman, preacher, and master of political processes, image making, and pro at easy BS. He is literally fun to listen to and watch compared to most politicians. He exudes warmth and just a wee bit of self-deprecation. In short, he did one heck of a job selling his wife Hillary Rodham Clinton as a capable candidate for the presidency.
And, I guess he might have some idea of what a good capable President must be and must not be. He also knows his wife as someone who wants to make things better and "get 'er done" as soon as possible. I am sure that both Clinton and Obama could say the sun would rise in the east tomorrow and hardcore GOP retrogrades would vehemently disagree and find another rock to crawl under, but perhaps I don't see many of the faults of the Clintons, Sanders, and the Democratic conventions. But, whatever, Clinton is more fun and more informative in fewer easy words than most of the presidents who preceded him or followed him. Below is a screen photo from SDPB-TV taken last night. As Clinton said, for him, giving speeches is fun, but being President is real complicated and critical work.
Click image for slightly larger view. Bill Clinton painted a good picture of his wife's abilities as shown by what she got done prior to their marriage and after. Many of these accomplishments were some I had never heard and also some I had forgotten. I was not particularly impressed with her selling of a Clinton Health plan early in his administration however. But, she has done many things as both a private citizen and public servant and also as a mother and perhaps overly tolerant wife. I am going to quit hammering on this and go watch and record more of the Democratic Convention humbug. celebration, and more important programs and processes. So far, it has been a welcome event compared to the dark and grossly negative GOP convention.
I still would prefer Bernie Sanders to Hillary, but Hillary is what we have and she is a marked contrast to Donald J. Trump.
I do have a few words of advice to the Democratic candidates, speakers and convention delegates. Don't even mention Trump's name. Use something like "The GOP candidate". Make it as hard as possible for him to make his vicious kind of return attacks and name-calling even as the knife in his campaign humbug is stuck in and twisted. Also, no matter what Republicans say and media talkers say and apparently think, Trump's main appeal is his "Close the Border" kind of talk. People will listen to that and ignore the ludicrous economic propaganda. Many people including Hispanics who got here legally and speak English and function in legitimate business or work are not thrilled with millions of other Hispanics and illegal aliens coming across the border and loading the local and state systems with otherwise unnecessary costs and expense as well as making it harder for them to get and keep work themselves. Many people including lots of Democrats are appalled at our open borders and unfortunately indiscriminate immigration system. Allowing lots of illegal aliens to enter easily also allows lots of threats to society, life and limb, economy, and political system to also get in here. Ignoring this and spewing more of the pro-diversity clap trap which ignores costs will turn the election over to Trump no matter how well-qualified and able is Hillary Clinton.
*** Stay tuned even if your tolerance for any political convention is only about 15 minutes at the most--- Doug Wiken