The Rapid City Journal and other papers are carrying stories about police in SD hauling people they believe have ingested something that apparently only shows up in urine in hospitals or clinics and forcing them to have catheters stuck up their penis. This seems to be an indication of very impatient police who can't wait until somebody must urinate.
It also seems that if they must rely on this practice to get evidence, they did not have sufficient evidence to make an arrest to begin with. Reading this makes it sound as if we have police behaving as interrogation torture specialists in the Soviet Gulag.
And then there are the cops in New Orleans and Minneapolis acting like Nazi death squads putting six bullets into the back and chest of a guy pinned to the ground in New Orleans and in a car in Minneapolis when the cop ordered him to produce a license and then shot and killed him when he reached for it. The cop had stopped him for a broken taillight. I worked enough with law enforcement to know this is a probable cause for stopping a vehicle to determine if the driver is drunk. Apparently this guy was not drunk and had his kid and girlfriend in the vehicle. That cop should have given him a warning ticket giving him X days to fix the light and walked back to this patrol car to search for an actual problem.
Nearly every week we get news which suggests that law enforcement should not be allowed to carry guns. Police are behaving like Nazi death squads.
Time for legislators to wake up and get full and complete control of death-dealing law enforcement and full investigations of such behavior.
*** Stay tuned even if you are so naive you don't believe cops can misbehave--- Doug Wiken