One of my friends/neighbors, Lowdon B. Heller, is a bit older than I am...well aproximately 20 years older. He was 18 years old when he was trained as a gunner for a B-24. The photo below was of that crew after they were graduated from training in Georgia. Not long after that they were on a ship sailing for Great Britain. I think this crew survived the 30 flights or whatever to get back to the US. Not sure about that. When the war with Germany was winding down, they flew back to the US preparing to enter the fight with Japan.
Click on image for a larger view. This was their trainer plane in Georgia. Lowdon Heller may be the sole survivor of this crew by now. He has some interesting stories. Below is a text list of the crew members:
Crew training in Georgia. Were soon shipped to Britain flying B-24 Bomber
Top Row Left to right: A--Navigator Lt. John H. Lemert, B--Pilot Lt. Marcus A. Rubin, C--Co-Pilot Lt. Richard D. Lodge, D---- . Bottom Row left to right: Bombardier Lt. John W. Macklern, F--Gunner Sgt William J. Eckwell, G-- Engineer Sgt E.L. Wilcox, H-- Gunner Sgt Lowdon B. Heller, I--Radio Operator Sgt Eugene A. Aichroft, J--Tail Gunner Staff Sgt George W. Foster.
**Stay tuned and remember those who served to protect our Democracy--- Doug Wiken