The highway running straight east of Winner all the way to Parker, SD is mostly nearly table-top smooth. The road through the river hills by the Platte-Winner Bridge are slowly being covered with cedar and other trees. At times the area looks a bit like the real Black Hills of Western SD, but without the rugged rock mountains. A photo below gives a bit of an idea. The appearance depends greatly on time of day--- some times more like the Black Hills and sometimes less so, but whatever it is a pleasant scenic drive. People driving regularly from Sioux Falls to Winner have switched from the interstate to this route. Click on image for a larger view.
And below is an image of the Platte-Winner bridge. This bridge makes this route interesting and makes the area a natural for hunting and fishing...or just gawking and taking photographs. Click for slightly larger image.
The day before this photo was taken, the 50 to 60 mile per hour winds had made most water in dams and rivers of western SD a muddy mess that looked like the old Missouri River before the main stem dams.
Well, guess I should get outside and get some exercise while the weather is tolerable. No wind nearly strong enough to knock one of his feet or temperature to high for rational exercise.
***Stay tuned for something of a political nature. A lot of water has moved under the bridge above since it was repaired after a lot of political scheming--- Doug Wiken