I watched the KELO-TV US Representative "debate" this evening. Corrina Robinson showed some spark and a bit of piss and vinegar that has seemed to be missing in some of her other appearances. I am not a bit unbiased, but I think Corrina demonstrated superior intellect and knowledge of management, military, economics and other issues. Anyway, my rough summary follows. I missed a few early minutes of it.
Like a lot of nonsense talking points from other Republicans, Noem compared government spending to that of an irresponsible teenager with a credit card. Of course, the comparison is absurd. Teenagers cannot mint money. Teenagers cannot levy taxes, etc. etc. Income is from other sources. The comparison is irrelevant and misleading.
Corrina hammered Noem on the $millions of subsidies she and family have received which of course does not fit well with Noem wanting big government slashed for nearly everybody else not quite as fortunate as she.
Noem spend some time about the terrible budget deficits, federal debt etc. Within seconds or a minute or two, she was advocating increasing funding for the military, increasing spending for veteran's care, etc. Noem also wants more military spending specifically to fight ISIS or ISL? / But while Congress should not meddle in military strategy, she conditions her support of more spending with desire to review Obama proposals. Noem in another standard GOP empty talking point is terribly concerned about Obama saying what he won't do and telegraphing what he will or won't do. I am sure that can be a mistake, but after the Bush administration, I think nearly every rational voter wants to know the limit of US military adventures.
Corrina Robinson noted that the Bush wars never budgeted for the consequent care needed for miltary veterans and their families. Noem hammered on lives lost in Phoenix. I am not sure but I think that number actually ended up being very close to zero.
On Affordable Care Act, Robinson said that it was nonsense to have any more votes to abolish it. It is the law of the land. South Dakota is silly and irresponsible for not accepting federal funds to add about 62, 000 more South Dakotans to Medicare coverage.
Noem said she have voted against ACA (actually over 34 times). She claimed it hasn't lowered costs.. which I think is an outright lie. Noem thinks some kind of risk pool like SD had would be good. All that would do would be to make insurance again unaffordable for those with pre-existing conditions. Noem finally admitted that ACA would not likely be repealed while Obama is President.
Corrina Robinson said she supported ACA, but there was always room for improvement in government programs of any kind. Noem said cost of living should be more realistically adjusted for SS benefits. The recent 1.2 % increase or coming increase just isn't enough. Corrina said the cap on income subject to SS tax should be increased to $200,000. Noem of course opposes that and says the solution is to get more people working and paying the tax. I don't think the GOP support of programs that would add jobs has been sterling and I am sure Noem has not disagreed with GOP opposition.
On school shootings and gun control, the both more or less waffled as might be expected in South Dakota. Noem wants more funding for mental health care. That sounds like a good idea, but my guess is that most Republicans in federal and state legislatures have all opposed increasing such funding and research.
Noem is not a friend of any kind of minimum wage. Corrina Robinson said she had helped circulate petitions for an increase. Noem claimed a minimum wage increase would cost something like 40,000 jobs (I missed the exact number she claimed). That claim is called humbug by most economists who instead claim it would increase sales and jobs.
On Keystone XL, Noem favors it making the absurd claims for jobs and economic benefit and indepence from Mideast saying it is better to buy oil from allies like Canada. Of course she neglects mentioning all that tar sands oil is headed for China and the pipeline threatens water resources all along it. Noem mentioned the $9 million claimed for property tax increases. Compare that with the costs of the North Dakota cleanup and the nearly million gallon spill costs and damage that would do to the potable water supply in South Dakota.
Noem conclude with attack on national debt as a threat to our grandchildren, etc. etc. Same old same old inconsitent crap that comes from such airheads who support increasing funds for every program popular or needed in South Dakota, but opposes any tax increases necessary to fund such programs.
Corrina Robinson supported funding for eduction which she claims is necessary for future social and economic improvement coupled with heavier taxes on the very rich tax dodgers.
My conclusion on this of course is that Corrina Robinson helped herself tonight and Noem did not hurt herself. Her parrotting of GOP economic and tax nonsense contradictions will not be noticed by those who vote for any yellow dog in a pink tutu if it has (R) after the name.
Robinson concluded by saying she wanted to give back to the people by working for them in congress. Robinson was logically consistent and rational.
Noem was the usual contradictory nonsense of raising funding for all the big government programs that benefit her politically and opposing all the necessary tax increases needed to make her nonsense possible. Noem is a walking contradiction who's disconnected blather looks silly if everything is put into rational context and continuity.
***Stay tuned, the election will come out in the end...like a rotten meal---Doug Wiken