I watched most of PBS NewsHour on SDPB-TV earlier this evening. Elizabeth Drew was interviewed about her updated book on Nixon and Watergate. Her latest version of Washington Journal is available in hardcover and soon in Kindle version at Amazon.
I had not seen or read much from Elizabeth Drew for several years and also not a whole lot of anybody remembering Watergate and tricky Dick. My wife and I watched McNeil and Lehrer nearly every night they covered the Watergate hearings. That was the beginning of an evening news program on PBS. It was interesting and a bit frightening to read comments on the book like, "I remember my parents talking about TV coverage......" Well, I can remember the TV coverage even if it was a bit snowy in those days.
I guess I am a sucker for such books and I ordered it tonight. Another reminder of those days was the recent destruction of the garage where an insider passed on "secrets" to reporters. Elizabeth Drew more or less said this book is her attempt to keep the memory of those days alive. It is her perhaps self-interested position that knowledge of Watergate is important for those who did not live through it vicariously compliments of PBS and SDPB-TV.
***Stay tuned, if I get my new glasses, I might even get the fine print (about the only complaint about the book) in the book read-- Doug Wiken