Today, I decided it might be time to update Win 8.0 to Win 8.1 considering all the wonderfulness claimed for the upgrade. The 3 or 4 hours required may have been worth it, but I haven't yet seen anything wonderful and already a couple factors which are downright aggravating. Time to find those third-party books on W8 again.
It is no wonder people want illegal copies of Windows if that avoids all the crap for download time, the partial install time, passwords, security codes, program changes, analyzing of existing setup, "just a few more things" (after 3 hours), App download time when no "APPS" were selected, etc, etc, etc. ad nauseum. And also changing "yes" to "no" on "May Microsoft use your name, etc... for publicity purposes?"
Oh, and then there was the internet lockout by AVG which prevented getting the MS security code by e-mail, and MS taking over whole screen so it was impossible to see other programs behind that holding up everything while requesting approval of their updates necessitated by Win 8.1 update.
Microsoft must have also hired specialists in ambiguous error messages, etc designed to be especially aggravating unless one guesses these error messages are the equivalent of too clever crossword clues and bad puns designed to mislead.
At least the bread machine running for 3 and a half hours while Microsoft held my computer hostage turned out a good loaf of bread ready for supper (or as the too, too, too refer to as dinner).
Not a mass exodus to Linux, but...
*** Stay tuned and don't get trampled in the mass exodus to Linux--- Doug Wiken