Interesting that Republicans in Congress and mouthpieces of the very rich or very bigoted are yammering about the Libya ambassador murder and IRS scrutiny of tax-exempt organization applications amount to the equivalent of Watergate and are the stuff of impeachment. (Added link May 20, 2013: John Dean who knows about Watergate and the real stuff of impeachment disagrees with current herd of obstructionis GOP congress critters.) And a bit more about or from John Dean's perspective on GOP smoke and mirrors substance-free scandal mongering.
It is hard to look at this froth and foam from the GOP and not think that Obama's half-Black ancestory is the reason for their ire and retrograde obstructionism in Congress because most of the GOP yammer is fluff, foam, hypocrisy, and discredited or unprovable mythology or concerns many of the same things Republicans have known and ignored when it concerned their own white officials and politicians...
Bush1 or Reagan decided not to hire more IRS accountants to scrutinize corporation tax dodging and evasion. They decided to hire accountants to target (a misleading term) hair dressers, independent carpenters, independent mechanics, waitresses and waiters, farmers, and other self-employed, et al. The GOP feeling was that it was a lot easier to terrorize small people than corporations with dozens of attorneys.
Republicans in local and state governments regularly try to profile groups or ethnics for special law enforcement targetings and wonder why Hispanics should not be targeted for car license checks, etc. Like Willy Sutton "robbing banks because that is where the money is**", the GOP wants long-hairs, ethnics, and small people driving old cars to be targeted for enforcement. But, "profiling" political action groups funded by the likes of Koch Industries and brothers, is supposed to be an impeachable offense. (***Note: Snopes says that Willie Sutton never said that)
Republicans in the Carter years spent a lot of time attaching and demeaning President Carter for his micro-management. Now they are attacking Obama because he hasn't micro-managed a few hundred agencies and departments. Charles Krauthammer on Public TV "Inside Washington" just finished saying, "Obama is a bystander." Actually, the GOP obstructionists are trying to pretend that Obama is an obvious liar, and he just must have had his fingers in micro-managing the IRS scrutiny of Koch-organized "non-profit" political groups...after all, their Nixon sure did.
And then we get to Ben Ghazi and the murder of a US Ambassador and three aides. Hillary Clinton had it right when she chastized the retrograde Republicans by saying that it made no policy difference whether or not the ambassador was reported in early reports as being killed by demonstrators or terrorists. Sen. McCain has been on the attack ever since. McCain has made dozens of misleading or faulty reports on the Sabbath gasbag circuit , but he and most media have apparently forgot about all his misleading blather. Rachel Maddow put his multiple Sunday falsities up as video. McCain got his "Pinochios" awards. I linked to those in a previous Dakota Today post.
To make the current investigation even more telling on the GOP fraudulent investigation, they have been altering the e-mails released by the Obama administration. Churchill said, "History will be kind, because I intend to write it." CBS and Huffington have the details of the document modification. . The GOP has decided not just to write history, but to alter history by altering the facts. They have apparently figured out that not only can they have their own opinions, but they can also adjust the facts to fit their mythology. And a follow-up addition of May 20, 2013. Mother Jones of "It's Official" and Reid Blog has longer summary.
And then of course, when it comes to misleading statements, the GOP Congress Critters have apparently forgotten all about the investigation they never made when President Bush2 landed on an aircraft carrier in a flight suit and boasted that "The war is a mission accomplished.". Where were the GOP congress critters calling for independent prosecutors, heads to roll and impeachment then?
Of course, Bush is not Black or even half-black. Bush is excused. Obama is not.
Now Republican Congress critters, are busy making fog by the ton. My guess now is that no legislation of any consequence which relates to the IRS or Ben Ghazi will result from these investigations. Republicans have gone from voting over 30 times to kill the Affordable Health Act, they are now generating hearings of non-issues or irrelevant events and even talk about non-issues or irrelevant events. The lobbying arm of the Heritage Foundation tells GOP non-legislating is a strategy and scandalmania fits it well.
And as of May 18, 2013 another fine bit of GOP hypocrisy. Joe Scarborough now raving upset about scrutingy of TEA party non-tax pleading wanted to eliminate tax exemtion for the NAACP.
[[[ Added May 20, 2013]]] And on another "scandal front" which may be more serious--The AP phone records probe--The GOP exhibits a really fine case of hypocritical expressions of caring about such intrusions into press freedom..
Another addition of May 20, George Will when blathering about the "scandal" of scrutinizing TEA party and IRS quoted the "The power to tax is the power to destroy". What Will neglected mentioning however was that this was all about the power to un-tax.
Citizens of the US should start their own investigation of how GOP retrograde Congress Critters are failing to be true to their own oaths of office and for pledging fealty to right-wing kooks and Kochs.
*** Stay tuned, the GOP will make more fog and spew more mythology, books will be written--- Doug Wiken