Getting a Driver's License in SD is a royal pain in the rear. I have had SD learners and drivers permits or drivers licenses since 1957. Might it be reasonable to expect the state to have records of that and not demand an original birth certificate (Costs $20 and ironically, a Drivers License is required for ID to get one)? Two Utility bills with home address, a social security card or valid passport.. We had to provide the same damn information the last time we got a Driver's License. Might it be reasonable to expect that such a drivers's license already with all documention is sufficient proof to get another one?
The Department of Public Safety officials here were personable and efficient. But, I do wonder how they can keep working such an idiotic system. It is hard not to got through this pain in the rear without thinking that the real function is to make it hard for poor people and minorities such as Native Americans to get a Driver's license and thus be able to vote.
Has anyone yet discovered any evidence that there has been any significant attempt to get drivers licenses fraudulently in South Dakota? My guess is that 80% or so of applicants have had SD Drivers Licenses for years and probably have lived in the same place for 30 or more years.
Another question for SD Legislators and officials. Why do we need such a ponderous identification when states like Arizona loaded with illegal aliens requires barely any identification?
The system makes it even harder for women to get a license. It is discriminatory in that regard. They need marriage licenses as well as all the other crap....and just like Birth Certificates, they need guessed it...a drivers license to get a copy.
Did any thoughtful SD legislator of official bother to ask himself if this mess made sense?
*** Stay tuned, but watch out for old geezers with new Driver's Licenses--- Doug Wiken