GOP Senator Mitch McConnell had his little thingy going for several years. He thought that retrograde obstruction of everything would "keep Obama from getting a second term". The second inaugural for Obama was blatant evidence that the GOP disgusting strategy failed. It has also dragged respect for the national GOP down somewhere in the neighborhood of respect for whale dung.
And, that Mitt Romney, he is such a whizbang wonderful fellow. He brings sportsmanship to a new level. He has said he won't be showing up in Washington for the Obama inaugural. Mitt has better things to do. He won't even watch it on TV because there apparently isn't a TV in the elevator from his garage to his house. He has taken lunch to the elevator and plans to ride it up and down for several hours. He says he has a really strong stomach and this test has been scheduled since November
I may slop in a few photos here tomorrow taken of the TV coverage today. I imagine like the astronauts stepping on the moon, the wingnuts of the right fluffy fringes will claim the photos and tv images of several hundred thousand people are all clever fakes. I will stick some in here anyway. Below is a link to my SD Raucus Caucus with a transcript of the Obama speech.
SD Raucus Caucus 2013 Obama second Inaugural Speech Transcript.
And it is getting cold here in South Dakota. A lonesome snowflake from this morning has been joined by a few million of them. Everything has a coating of fine white snow here in South Central South Dakota.
And apparently a new TypePad feature. Related blog posts show up at the bottom of the page. Wonder how long I have been missing that. Take a look below.
*** Stay tuned and hope for better weather--- Doug Wiken