I have hardly been able to sleep at night wondering for over a year if the insurance man Rounds would jump into the race so he could help his insurance buddies destroy "ObamaCare" or whatever they imagine it actually is.
Why would anybody want somebody in the US Congress so stupid that he built a house literally inches above the Missouri River and then when it was flooded by a release of reservoir water about 1/5 of the maxiumum release volume blamed the US Corp of Engineers for his own stupidity? Also, of course, never mentioning that another ripe hypocrite, Bill Janklow sued the Corp of Engineers to keep reservoir levels high.
With global warming threatening infrastructure along our coasts, we do not need anybody in Congress ready to pour more federal money down a rathole filling with water.
Rounds is whining Republican looking for free lunch for the rich and crumbs for the rest of us. He is both a danger to the United States and South Dakota interests in the US Congress. He is a glib promoter of economic and political mythology coupled with a willingness to pander to the most backward superstitions of the Catholic Church and other fundamentalists.
And in case Rounds runs on his "record", it is not one of great accomplishments and acute vision. South Dakota Democratic Party on "Merry Go Rounds".
*** Stay tuned and sleep tight but you have been forewarned--- Doug Wiken