The GOP Tampa Fiction Theater was devoted to how terrible the economy is now and how the policies of Obama have made the Bush bad into something worse. The GOP Congress looks at policy positions on an off and on basis. If it helps the very rich and does nothing for the economy to make Obama look good, they are all ON. If, on the other hand, a policy or law might actually help the middle class and the unrich, then to hell with the national interest or the general welfare, their brains switch to off since it might make Obama economics look better.
Now, the Federal Reserve must have been listening to the GOP Tampa attempt to generate economic uncertainty and doubt and decided, "By golly gee whiz, the Republicans think the economy is in the dumper and will get worse, we had better keep interest rates down and increase the money supply and increase jobs."
Of course, then GOP hacks have their ON and OFF Obama switch and reality blinder lens clamped on firmly and immediately they attack Bernanke and the Federal Reserve for playing politics and helping Obama.
A friend says, the GOP is like a murderer who sheds tears for the victims, wails and moans, but is already planning the next murders so they can scream and wail about how terrible everything is.
How long until the general public sees reality and loses patience with the GOP nonsense and sends these hypocritical retrograde obstructionist partisan hacks to howling in the wilderness for the next 40 years?
GOP cynical partisans have delayed economic recovery by several years already. The US cannolt keep going with the party of NO strangling the economy for many more years.
*** Stay tuned, but ask your GOP Congress Critters what distorting lens and blinders they are using to view the economy and recovery politics--- Doug Wiken