The GOP convention tonight and last night was all about how religious these Republicans are. Gosh, nothing like harping on religious mythology to support economic mythology and history re-written.
If these Republicans were right about all the terrible things Democrats have been and are doing, we would not have the freedom to crap in the morning and we would all be in prison camps without communications, etc. Never has so much nonsense been spewed in the interests of the very rich. Which reminds me.
I just listened to Clint Eastwood tell us the "WE own America". I suppose that is true if he is also in the top 1 percent of the wealthy who already own a hugely disproportionate part of the wealth and potential income.
Now Marco Rubio is telling us his father sold booze to alcoholics so he would not have to. That is an interesting moral and ethical question. Can immoral unethical behavior that produces income to do good be moral or at best amoral?
Now we are hearing about how America is the story of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. If ordinary people really do extraordinary things, they don't do it without public education, public roads, loans that are safe and affordable because of government regulation, etc.
It is a wall of crap. And now for Mitt the Twit.
He looks like a remake of Thomas Dewey who usually, like Mitt, looks like the groom on top of a wedding cake. I wish Mitt all the electoral luck of Thomas Dewey.
Mitt is blathering about how after Obama's election. we all looked forward to working together. Mitt forgets Republican US Senator Mitch McConnell and his working model that his and other Republicans should adopt was doing anything possible to make sure that President Obama served only one term. That is not working together. That is retrograde obstructionism. That is what the GOP has been all about for the last four years. Now Mitt is blaming all the problems caused by his Republican retrogrades on President Obama. Mitt is riding on the shoulders of a party that made itself irrelevant in the last four years.
The whole convention is a collection of lies, half truths, and irrelevant facts.
Now, Mitt on all the mothers and family love being the miracle that saves everything, I see so much TV of Aftrican, Asian, mideast women all with children and all loving them and all thinking they have a best of all families, but they live in abject poverty because of government failures and exploitation of the their resources by companies like Mitt promotes and many of them with hidden bank accounts in tax havens....just as Mitt does. I do believe that mothers are very important to families and helping raising a family is important, but that is not a government policy, and Mitt will not be supporting any programs to make better mothers and fathers or even healthier children if he emulates past GOP presidents.
Ann Richards said that Georgie Boy Bush was born on third base with a silver spoon in his nose and thought he had hit a homerun. Mitt is another prime example..but probably without the silver spoon in his nose.
I have faith. Faith that we will get only a wall of crap from the Republican Convention and also from the Republican candidates who almost all subscribe to the idiotic pledge against taxes engineered by Grover Norquist who as a single individual with access to lots of anolnymous money has turned the GOP into a national irrelevancy working for one man...and his filthy rich underwriters.
Mitt says that the center piece of Obama's administration is attacking success. And then that in America we, in contrast, celebrate success. You know, I am all in favor of success that is not driven by naked greed, business and partisan corruption, and a political machine that rolls over the rights of the unrich.
Mitt is about as likely to create prosperity in the US as Georgie Boy Bush was to end or even shrink the national debt.
Now he asks if we are better off after four years of Obama and the divisiveness and recrimination. Who does he think caused the divisivensss? Give the poor guy Mitch McConnell's phone number.
Mitt says, the Obama administration has crushed the middle class. Bullshit. Corporations in bed with Republicans and their tax cuts for the very, very, very richest have crushed the middle class and enriched the already enriched. We don't know how many jobs a full Obama program would have increased because the GOP obstructed everything. We do know that the American Auto industry would now be underwater if Mitt had his plan in effect after the Bush destruction of the economy.
After two days of attacking "big government", Mitt is supporting spending more on the miltary to keep those military people in jobs and add more military jobs. Gosh, is the immense US military not part of big government? Do military people pay their own wages? Can taxpayers not see that this whole pile of mythology and distortions is a pile of steaming crap?
Mitt is going to bring back jobs by restarting the cold war with Russia. Is that the America we want? Is that the world we can feel safe in?
Oh, and education. Perhaps Mitt has forgotten that Republican legislatures are slashing education funding all across the country and Republican college administrators are jacking up tuition every year.
There is nothing Mitt has said that should give any mother or father any confidence that his administration would make any more opportunity to any of their children or grandchildren..
Mitt is going to restore our nation to 1929.
Oh, and may God bless the candidacy and next presidency of Barack Obama... as if God's blessing will make the tiniest bit of difference to Mitt, Obama, or the United States of America... or you or me or anybody else in the USA.
An Ag columnist today said that the real threat to the country is not those spewing lies and half truths, but those of us who sit silently and let them do it without challenging the lies.
But, don't you worry, nothing behind all those red, white, and blue balloons, but a wall of crap mixed with half truths and double-talk..
*** Stay tuned, but listen for more of the liar, liar, pants on fire analysis of the Republican wall of crap amplifiers sure to come tomorrow..maybe-- Doug Wiken