It appears to me that fanatical patriotic or religious zealotry turns humans into animals. I find it hard to tell the difference between religious fanatical zeolots yelling "Death to the USA" and patriotic fanatical zealots screaming "USA, USA, USA" in celebration of Osama being shot.
The term “justice” is demeaned as a laudable worthwhile process by associating the term with the equivalent of a summary execution or death by SEAL. The appropriate term for this operation is justifiable retaliation or retribution.
That said, Osama bin Laden got more mercy than he deserved by being shot in the head.
They should have flown his body out of there without ever releasing any information and then fed his body to hungry sows.
That might be just, but it is not justice. Even so, the world is a better place without Osama..just as it would be a better world without AIDS.
As for the value of Gitmo, there is dispute in the value of the information which might have been determined from captives. I have now seen a bunch of the usual Republican figures all promoting the idea that Guantanamo was necessary. They must have had this script ready in the event Osama was captured or killed. It is too well distributed to be an a mere matter of truth and the presentations appear to be too well orchestrated to be true.
In any case, it should have been obvious from one day after the WTC murders that one way to find Osama was by tracking his couriers and messengers who were leaving video tape etc with media outlets. They would not have needed to find out from a captive that such couriers existed, it was obvious without any such information.
One other rather amazing thing about all this is how many politicians of all stripes are willing to get on TV without actually knowing anything worthwhile or interesting to relate and no original perspective on anything. This all spin all the time no matter what issue is in fact almost frightening.
*** Stay tuned for more lunacy from the "civilized" and the "uncivilized" --- Doug Wiken