The largest local discount merchandiser here is Pamida. It has an interesting history with roots back to Gibson stores in Iowa and then with the guys in Omaha where the PAMIDA acronym comes from their names, then to an employee group then to Shopko, then Shopko-Pamida gone to a Sun Partnership and then Pamida and Shopko again split into separate entities..apparently. Pamida store list in region: LINK--Pamida stores in 57580 area
So, want to know who owns the Pamida stores now? My guess is it is one of those partnerships that through the benefit of convenient tax loopholes pays next to nothing in federal taxes. Of course, I may be wrong on this and the news I read about Congress thinking that partnerships are just too big a tax loophole may apply to something else.
Whatever, below is a link to the list of companies owned by a Florida-based group of investment partners.
LINK--Sun Capital Partnerships List This link may not actually take you to the list. The "Partners" may be a menu option on the opening page instead.
And, what the latest "separation" occuring apparently sometime in 2007 means at the local store is some clearance discounts and another movement of products from one side of the store to another apparently with the intent customers like myself will be so disoriented we will wander around the store and buy a half dozen things we would never see otherwise. My own experience suggests we will look where it was before and then go someplace else to buy what we can't find, but then in small towns, we are running out of "someplace elses".
A day or two ago, a friend said, "Monopoly and anti-trust enforcement is non-existent now". Not sure if he is right, but looking around does seem to suggest a too large element of reality in the comment.
**Stay tuned even if you feel like a hopeless pawn in the market place---Doug Wiken